What happens to my Facebook when I pass away?
Facebook has a feature called "legacy contact" that allows users to designate someone to manage their account after they die. This person can do things like write a memorial post, respond to friend requests, and update the profile picture and cover photo. To designate a legacy contact, log in to your Facebook account and go to the "Settings" section. From there, click on "Security" and then select "Legacy Contact." From there, you can choose the person you want to be your legacy contact and give them the ability to manage your account after you pass away. It's important to keep in mind that even if you designate a legacy contact, your account will still eventually be memorialized or deleted. Facebook will memorialize an account if they receive a valid request from someone who has proof that the person has died. This means that the account will be turned into a memorial page, and only the designated legacy contact will be able to make changes to it. If a valid request is not received, Facebook will eventually delete the account.